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***CHECK IT*** Merfolk

by element_tudor

Format: Standard
Latest Set: Unknown
Last Modified On: 12/15/2007
Market Median Low
$294.96 $322.57 $216.54
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 2.44


Trying my hand at u w merfolk deck. Here's my reasoning for the cards - 4 tideshaper mystic, the only 1cc merfolk - 4 lord of atlantis, amazing 2cc nothing to explain - 3 sygg, river guide, i found that after 5th turn or so i do have mana available, and sygg lets me keep my creatures in play - 4 silvergill adept, good body with card advantage - 4 merrow reejerey, same reasoning as the lord - 4 oblivion ring, good utility removal - 3 cryptic command, card advantage counter, or could be used for the other things - 4 runesnag, great counter after you get your first one resolved - 4 psionic blast, for that last bit of damage that must go through to the dome - 2 loxodon warhammer, to put up more of a threat and for lifegain for the sideboard, there is no reasoning, just put something to fill it in, first things that came to mind. please leave some opinions and info on how i can improve this and what i should take out to increase the lands. thanks much!

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