The objective of this deck is to make infinite mana by using Freed From the Real, Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro, and Orochi Leafcaller.
Turn 1 Forest, Orochi Leafcaller
Turn 2 Island, Sakura-Tribe Elder (sacrifice)
Turn 3 Island, Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro.
Turn 4, Freed from the Real on the Sachi or Leafcaller, gain infinite mana
(Tap for GG, Wash through the Leafcaller adding U to your pool, untap using Freed, repeat tapping for GG, etc.)
Use that mana to play Swallowing Plague by using infinty mana to deal infinity damage to target opponent's creature to gain infinity life.
Also if yr opponent don't have any creature, u can deal damage to yr creature to get infinity life.
Alternative, u can also kill yr opponent to cast Maga, Traitor to Mortals doing 20+ to your opponent.
U can also use time of need to call the Maga, Traitor to Mortals if u don't have it in yr hand.