-I just wanted to share my take on Simic Merfolk for standard. This is just a concept and a work in progress, any and all constructive criticism is appreciated.
-This deck is explosive and is very aggressive. your strategy is to get out all your small Merfolk and then buff them w/ +1/+1 counters, cast secret herald of the streams and attack w/ an unstoppable, unblock able army. Blossoming defense and you have shapers' sanctuary protect and punish your your opponent for trying to ruin your "interactive" board w/ removal such as fatal push, Vraska's contempt, etc.
-I added Vishkar and Verdurous Gearhulk because they add more power and speed to the deck. The Watertrap Weaver are used to lock down big or annoying creatures and give us more time to biuld up board state. I din't add Waker of Wilds, Deeproot Champion, or any other merfolk because the ones in the deck currently are the best for the build. If anything i would add more River Sneak because it flat out wins games.