This deck can be amazingly fast.
It has several win conditions, which leaves me constantly working on this deck.
Optimal opening hand is:
4x Land, BoP, Azusa, Vinelasher. Forest and BoP first turn. Turn 2 another land and drop Azusa, drop 2 more lands, and cast Vinelasher. With some luck, you either drew a Reach on turn 2, or get one on 3, or a Watch Wolf. Either way, everytime I get that opening hand, or very similar, the game ends turn 5.
Obviously, the REAL idea, is to cast Natural Affinity, Ghostway, and then Wrath the board out. With all my creatures and lands coming back at EoT, with a fat Vinelasher to finish my opp. off with. If the combo resolves, it's GG.