so, i started out wanting to build something around that combo of act of treason and vampire aristocrat. i tried some different cards with synergy to that combo like ooze garden, master of the wild hunt, scarland thirnax, bone splinters, and slave of bolas, but i found them all to be too slow expensive mana restrictive and made the deck too much of a one-trick pony. i broadened the scope for more control-style cards. i no longer splash green, but i kept in the khalni gardens for the free tokens to block attackers and then beef up aristocrat. im thinking of swapping the volcanic fallouts in the sideboard for infests, the terminates for smothers, and im trading for a lavaclaw reach to replace the savage lands. as a disclaimer, i built this mostly off of what i already had left over so there are some things without full playsets as of right now. let me know what you think.