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G/W Hurricane Glare

by istor

Format: Standard
Latest Set: 10th Edition
Last Modified On: 8/25/2007
Market Median Low
$162.30 $82.97
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 2.26


hurricane sqall line + children of korlis: if i'm not drawing a darien, or if i want to do some damage early game. hurricane sqall line + darien (possible essense warden): i get a substantial amount of tokens, and i get the damage healed, and possibly life gain, from the hurricane. from there i can glare the hell out of the other guy with the tokens, while drawing until i draw another hurricane for the win. glare early-game is made possible by children of korlis and pretty much all of my 1 drops. wall of roots for aggro, and watchwolf for control so i can set up. it's not perfect, but it's alright. help me make it into a semi-competent t2 deck!

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