by Johnnycashew

Latest Set:
Magic 2012 (M12)
Last Modified On: 8/10/2011
Maindeck 716
Creature 360
3 Adaptive Automaton 4 Archon of Justice 4 Argent Sphinx 4 Blade Splicer 4 Blightsteel Colossus 1 Bloodlord of Vaasgoth 4 Carnifex Demon 4 Chancellor of the Annex 4 Chancellor of the Dross 4 Chancellor of the Forge 4 Chancellor of the Spires 4 Chancellor of the Tangle 4 Consecrated Sphinx 4 Cryptoplasm 4 Darksteel Juggernaut 4 Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite 4 Elvish Archdruid 4 Engulfing Slagwurm 4 Etched Champion 4 Etched Monstrosity 4 Ezuri, Renegade Leader 4 Ezuri's Brigade 2 Frost Titan 4 Galvanoth 4 Geth, Lord of the Vault 3 Gideon's Avenger 4 Glissa, the Traitor 4 Grand Abolisher 4 Grand Architect 4 Grim Lavamancer 4 Hand of the Praetors 4 Hellkite Igniter 4 Hero of Bladehold 4 Hero of Oxid Ridge 4 Hex Parasite 4 Hoard-Smelter Dragon 4 Indomitable Archangel 1 Inferno Titan 4 Invader Parasite 2 Jace's Archivist 4 Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur 4 Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer 4 Kemba, Kha Regent 4 Kuldotha Forgemaster 4 Kuldotha Phoenix 4 Leonin Arbiter 4 Liege of the Tangle 4 Lord of the Unreal 4 Massacre Wurm 4 Melira, Sylvok Outcast 8 Memnite 4 Mirran Crusader 4 Moltensteel Dragon 4 Molten-Tail Masticore 4 Myr Battlesphere 4 Myr Propagator 4 Myr Superion 4 Myr Welder 4 Necrotic Ooze 2 Phantasmal Image 4 Phyrexian Crusader 4 Phyrexian Hydra 4 Phyrexian Ingester 4 Phyrexian Metamorph 4 Phyrexian Obliterator 4 Phyrexian Revoker 4 Phyrexian Swarmlord 4 Phyrexian Vatmother 4 Platinum Emperion 4 Precursor Golem 2 Primeval Titan 4 Psychosis Crawler 4 Puresteel Paladin 4 Putrefax 4 Quicksilver Gargantuan 4 Sangromancer 4 Sheoldred, Whispering One 4 Shimmer Myr 2 Skinshifter 4 Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon 4 Slag Fiend 4 Solemn Simulacrum 4 Spellskite 4 Spikeshot Elder 4 Steel Hellkite 2 Sun Titan 4 Sunblast Angel 4 Thopter Assembly 4 Thrun, the Last Troll 4 Tunnel Ignus 4 Urabrask the Hidden 4 Victory's Herald 4 Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger 4 Wurmcoil EnginePlaneswalker 26
1 Chandra, the Firebrand 4 Elspeth Tirel 1 Garruk, Primal Hunter 3 Gideon Jura 4 Karn Liberated 4 Koth of the Hammer 1 Sorin Markov 4 Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas 4 Venser, the SojournerSpell 286
2 Angelic Destiny 4 Argentum Armor 4 Asceticism 4 Batterskull 4 Beast Within 4 Birthing Pod 4 Black Sun's Zenith 4 Bludgeon Brawl 4 Blue Sun's Zenith 4 Bonehoard 4 Caged Sun 4 Cerebral Eruption 4 Chimeric Mass 4 Contagion Engine 4 Creeping Corrosion 4 Darksteel Plate 3 Day of Judgment 4 Decimator Web 4 Dismember 4 Dissipation Field 4 Distant Memories 4 Fresh Meat 4 Genesis Wave 4 Glistening Oil 4 Go for the Throat 4 Green Sun's Zenith 4 Grindclock 4 Inexorable Tide 4 Knowledge Pool 4 Lashwrithe 4 Life's Finale 4 Livewire Lash 4 Lux Cannon 4 Magnetic Mine 4 Memoricide 4 Mental Misstep 4 Mimic Vat 4 Mindslaver 4 Mirrorworks 4 Mitotic Manipulation 4 Molten Psyche 2 Mox Opal 4 Myr Reservoir 4 Myr Turbine 4 Nim Deathmantle 4 Norn's Annex 4 Omen Machine 4 Painful Quandary 4 Phyrexian Rebirth 4 Phyrexian Unlife 4 Praetor's Grasp 4 Prototype Portal 4 Psychic Surgery 4 Ratchet Bomb 4 Red Sun's Zenith 4 Semblance Anvil 4 Shape Anew 4 Slagstorm 4 Soul Conduit 4 Spine of Ish Sah 4 Strata Scythe 4 Surgical Extraction 4 Sword of Body and Mind 4 Sword of Feast and Famine 4 Sword of War and Peace 4 Titan Forge 4 Torpor Orb 4 Tower of Calamities 4 True Conviction 4 Unwinding Clock 4 Venser's Journal 3 Visions of Beyond 4 White Sun's ZenithCOLORED MANA SYMBOLS
Average CMC: 4.17