a fast budget deck that has high consistency at doing massive damage early turns.sundering vitae is used over naturalize as a surprise for killing arti enchantments even though ure tapped out. if you don't get the 1cmc mana accelerators, i advise that you mulligan. and if your opponent is playing forest, he dies magnificently fast. the deck generates swarms and lands at a good if u got hit by pyroclasm or wildfire, use chord of calling to bring in gleancrawler in response. if u were hit by wrath, cast it at the end of opponent's 2nd mainphase. i hate jittes so this deck is built on extremely cheap and based on jitte-hate. don't underestimate giant growth. it saves your creature from shock, pyro, volhammer, last gasp, helix and stuff. it is also a mini-might-of-oaks =d play smart and this deck will serve you well.