Beat Ramunap Red with this deck 2-0, insane power when and if you go off. I've been testing this deck for over a month now, it is at it's finest.
Ideal turns
1) Blooming Marsh, Unbridled Growth (Or renegade map)
2) Land of any source, sacrifice Unbridled Growth; Hidden Herbalists into Greenwheel Liberator.
3) Land of any source, any implement, then attack if able, pass. (Removal if needed)
4) (Presuming they killed one of your creatures this is the turn sequence) Land, sac Implement Renegade Rallier, get back your creature, (attack if able), pass.
5) GO OFF!!! Wipe their board with removal if playing against aggro/mid-range, if not go through the turn sequence's, attack as much as possible in the early turns. Walking Ballista (1) and trigger revolt, play hidden herbalists into Vengeful rebel.
6) You should attack and do this all over again and you will win.
Bad matchups:
Temur Energy
Grixis Control (If they get to a nicol bolas)
U/W approach you might win after sideboard
Good matchups
Ramunap Red...wait what?
God-pharoahs gift
G/B counters
Have fun with this deck! I know I did!