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Solar Scarab

by kolorblindd

Format: Standard
Latest Set: Dissension
Last Modified On: 8/22/2006
Market Median Low
$199.14 $120.68
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 3.34


Turn 3 persecute rocks other control decks. This happens almost every game due to the land searching house guard transmute. If it is an aggro match-up wog can be searched up. Hold the board with the discard or creature destruction till a scarab or hierarch hits the board and you smash for the win. A playset of hierarchs and fetters keeps me out of the red zone. Most of the sideboard can be searched up. I choose scarabs over other creatures due that they come back from all creature kill making them a pain for your opponent. And the dimir house guard over the arena because of the turn 3 persecute and the choice to get what ever I need at that moment.

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