This deck is made to be horde based.
Here's how to use it to torture any enemy.
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1. Just have 2 zombies on the field.
2. You need to have Endless Ranks of the Dead on the field to start this and use it to start the zombie build up. For every 2 zombies you have on the field you can play a 2/2 zombie token. (The zombies on the field don't have to be creatures, they can be tokens, this is important to remember.
3. Open the Graves will make it so that if a zombie dies, it will create a 2/2 black zombie on the field adding to the ranks and making it so that Endless Ranks of the Dead will grow larger.
4. Grave Betrayal will make it so that any time you kill an enemy creature it will return over to your side with a +1/+1 counter and as a black zombie on top of whatever type it is, adding further to Endless Ranks of the Dead.
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This makes it so there is a near infinite supply of 2/2 zombies.
Without some sort of wipe out spell, there's no way to beat them all, because any creature kill instantly be brought back with Open the Graves and then grow further the next turn because of Endless Ranks of the Dead.
Make sure to have enough Cancel spells in your hand so that you can prevent destruction spells that could damage your enchantments.
After you have all 3 of these cards down and 2 zombies, you won't need to summon any creatures out of necessity, so make sure to keep a backup set of this setup in case your cards are somehow wiped out.
This is a quick way to make an endless 2/2 zombie horde, so good luck.