Just build it and goldfish it for 10 games or so and then decide. This deck has speed, card advantage and mana acceleration all built into a deck that can seriously afford to run only 18 lands. The goal is to have Etherium Sculptor in play as quickly as possible to ramp into ridiculousness. Standard turn 4 or 5 kill if you play the deck correctly. This deck epitomizes recursion and understanding when play and recur the various artifacts is key to winning. 4 Sculpting Steel makes this deck so deadly. Copying a Etherium Sculptor early or a MOE can do seriously wicked things. Scarecrone becomes a recursion machine if it ever sticks past round 3 or 4. Unless they remove the card, it is easily returnable. A 1 land opening draw for this deck is often adequate. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave thoughts.