This deck is extremely powerful once it gets its engine rolling. Recursion is plenty full with Scarecrone doing some sick tricks with his friend Makeshift Manne. The glaze fiends are for the infinite loop of Sharuum coming into play which each time triggers his +2+2 ability. You can end the loop whenever you have reached enough power to kill your opponent. The sculpting Steels in the deck bump the Sharuum count in the deck to 7 and are also insane on any of the other artifacts. Paying 3 colorless for a Sphinx Sovereign always feels nasty.
Its a fairly str8 forward reanimate deck but can do some surprisingly sick things and can go off for infinite damage as need be as early as turn 4. The sideboard is nothing I really thought about. I just thought it would be cool to convert the deck into a faster aggro type deck with some further sick recursion with Reveillark.
Please help me make this deck better and any advice is welcome.