an affordable and effective burn deck. at my past 3 fnm tournaments, it has gotten two wins out of four rounds. not bad for the price.
the basic idea is to burn your opponent until he dies. creatures like guttersnipe, goblin electromancer, and hypersonic dragon help the effects of the spells, while hypersonic dragon and dragon hatchling give flying power. brimstone volley deals extra damage if your opponent kills one of them, flames of the firebrand can kill multiple token creatures, and chandra can deal quite a bit of extra damage, especially if you draw thunderous wrath.
i originally had put some epic experiments in this deck. although it sounds like a great idea to do so, it didnt work very well at all. i was never able to get enough mana for it to work effectively, so im taking them out.
in the sideboard is 4 kraken hatchlings for early defense against rdw. theres also 4 pithing needles to deal with planeswalkers, lotleth trolls, etc, 4 traitorous instincts to deal damage with decks big on creatures, and 3 elixirs of immortality for mill decks and maybe burn decks.
if you want this deck to be less expensive than it already is, remove the chandras. it will still be pretty effective. i was able to get quite a few wins without it. replace chandra with more burning instants and sorceries.
thank you andrew for your advice. i will be adding dissipate soon. talrand is definitely a good idea i will also add that.
i never thought of using thunderous wrath on my opponents turn i will probably add think twice.
i would like to keep my dragon hatchlings since they give flying defense and can deal some damage if im out of burn spells. but then again, maybe it wont be necessary if i have talrand. ill think about it.
on my sideboard, im probably going to replace the guildgates and erases with a more practical system. and yeah, vandalblast isnt very important i added that mostly because a life gain deck killed me with chalice of life. traitorous instinct seems to be really helpful though, especially against my friends golgari deck.
lastly, i think i should keep my thunderous wraths at 3 in order to decrease my chances of drawing it at the beginning.