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Mad Vamps

by mata

Format: Standard
Latest Set: Aether Revolt
Last Modified On: 2/1/2017
Market Median Low
$19.95 $26.80 $13.08
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 2.3


Old player back at the cardboard crack! I tried to piece together a budget Standard deck before FNM a few weeks ago. I traded some MTG fat pack books and card encyclopedias for credit. As I flipped through the store binders the vampire critter type and madness mechanic stood out simply due to familiarity, synergy and the bombs available for immediate purchase. Next, some of the store credit was converted into 8 packs of Eldritch Moon which yielded a foil Lili further cementing the color, critter and madness strategy. Again...BUDGET! I'm not really interested in maxing a standard deck but wide open to suggestions on how to improve it. I haven't played in this meta so sideboard is tbd. I have several options for creature/artifact removal (enchantment removal would require 3rd color splash), creature theft/sacrifice or land destruction.

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