this is a re-working of a deck i used 2 weeks ago at fnm. the creatures are stronger and better suited to winning on their own, instead of relying on varolz and scavenge creatures and trying to put a bunch of counters on things.
this deck took 3rd place at fmn on august 2. i lost the first match to junk aristocrats, the fist game due to flooding when i had a total of 4 action cards for the game, the third game i was overwhelmed by 5 5 demon tokens and blood artist triggers, and i didnt draw olivia or any removal that game for his high priest. i lost once again in top 8 to naya blitz, game one i kept a 5 land hand and flooded, game two i stalled on mana and was dead just the same.
i was trying to build the deck to be full of hard to kill creatures- steven seagal, hard to kill. varolz requires more creatures on the field at once to be durable, and after having my falkenrath aristocrat targeted with a removal spell with only a varolz being on the field with it, the choice of which creature was more important was evident, and varolz took a dirt nap to save the vampire. i think varolz is a two-of or less, ill probably cut to one if i keep it and add a putrefy, and adding back the 4th dreg mangler will make the deck faster while still allowing anther source of scavenge. desecration demon was an all-star, the only thing that put a dent in it was the junk aristocrat game, where there were plenty of creatures to sac to keep him sideways. all night farseek was a double edged sword, i might cut it for a third copy each of abrupt decay, tragic slip and either ghor-clan rampager or garruk relentless.