work in progress. some cards are placeholders that im searching for better answers to sub in for. also the sideboard can use a lot of work im sure. im considering cutting tome scour and or call to mind for 3 sword of body and mind to use on the tar pits. im not 100% sure what i should do in terms of my removal selection. im guessing i should stick to go for the throat and doom blade subbing whichever to the sideboard when needed. black suns zenith does a very nice job mopping up mass creatures while leaving me practically unscathed in the process. im guessing i can boot grasp of darkness from the sideboard for something more useful but i need ideas. note: the reason i added reassembling skeletons is because i feel they do a very good job blocking infect creatures in addition to being returnable after black sun zenith clears the board for me. suggestions are more than welcome.