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I Broke Standard

by Mr.Steve

Format: Standard
Latest Set: Scars of Mirrodin
Last Modified On: 10/4/2010
Market Median Low
$863.61 $653.04
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 1.02


if you have two 0 mana creatures (memnite or ornithopter)and a mox opal in your hand, tap the mox opal and sac it to play kuldotha rebirth (nets you three creatures). play another mox opal tap out to play goblin bushwhacker kicked and voilà 11 damage on turn one! yes i know you would have to have the perfect 7 card hand but you could also do 6 damage turn one with 2 memnites 1 mox opal and a goblin bushwhacker. the point is that this is massive damage on turn 1! follow this up with lightning bolts and galvanic blast and the damage gets insane. this deck turn 3 kills often. When it doesnt, the lead it has built is usually to great to overcome. kuldotha rebirth on a perilous myr or mox opal is ideal. goblin bushwhacker is the stud of the deck. i suppose you could also put in devastating summons but i didnt find it gelling with the deck. quest for pure flame is also under consideration. i call it red rebirth. not sure if i invented it but i havent seen anybody else with the idea. unfortunately i think variations of this deck might ruin standard by being better than jund and faeries ever were. the one glaring weakness it has is the white leyline. any others? all comments are welcome!

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