this is my variation of the ruw control decks that are circulating now. the basic premise of the deck is to control what your opponent plays long enough for luminarch ascension to go online, or for one of my scary creatures to come out. i would like to put in another baneslayer but they are expensive, and i dont feel like spending the money for one card. however, the deck is currently 7-1 at fmn, and that was before i put in the single baneslayer.
the sideboard is set for many different circumstances. the flashfreeze helps against jund and mirror matches, as well as lightsaber. pithing needle buy helps against other planeswalkers as well as vampire hexmage which can be a big problem for this deck. celestial purge destroys vampires and rdw. the oblivion ring is good against mirror matches so i can get rid of their luminarch ascension without having to hurt mine with pithing needle.
any suggestions would be more than welcome.