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ABC = Aggro Bant Control

by omegasraft

Format: Standard
Latest Set: Scars of Mirrodin
Last Modified On: 2/9/2011
Market Median Low
$2,056.20 $896.32
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 3.94


F*ck Kuldoltha Rebirth! Deep into the valley of shadow and death lies a trap waiting to shoot its arrows at unwitty goblins foolish to step into my alley... with powerfull defenders that can ultimately play a turn 3 primeval titan or even a turn three iona ( 3 defenders two of which are overgrown and a plains plus two sunpetals), the begiing game can be great but.... A baneslayer and two wurmcoils are there to help regain lost life.... arrow valley trap works great against b r and rdw decks as well as the inclusion of the leylines..... agaisnt ub though.... well ur gonna need those ascetism and negates... this deck still need more work and suggestions are needed. but for the record, i didnt add fauna nor lotus for the die far too easily b4 i can even use them. so my mana rampers can at least block and help me drop turn three fatties or cast a summoning trap or what else not. Also.... the suggestions i need are more angled towards the valkut match up... tectonic edges and spreading seas would be nice but how and where? Please help

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