this deck uses the basic fool's demise enchanting academy reseachers combo and have some cool stuff with good interaction.
combo + husk= 10000 10000 creature
combo + husk + bitter ordeal= you win
combo + voidmage prodigy= lots of counter, potential lock
combo + claws= gain some life every turn sacrificing your inmortal wizard
combo + claws + bitter ordeal= nice extraction effect. build some mana sacrifice the wizard many times and then bitter ordeal and remove your oponent key cards. considerating that sacrificing the enchanted wizard counts as 2 permanents going to graveyard you'll be able the mill your oponent in late game.
i also wanted to get maximum use of fool's demise which is usually a dead card without the researchers. adding some nice comes into play abilities like shiekmaw, mulldrifter, mornwhelk and sower of temptation and a sacrificing ability (husk or claws)
demise+ husk + sower= keep control of yot oponent creatures. play sower take creature sac it to husk, enchant the faerie then sac it, take another creature sac it and attack with 8 8 husk.
if your oponent has 2 or less cardsin hand you can lock him down with the mournwhelk. enchant it and sac it on your oponent's draw. do it every turn.
you can do the thing with grim harvest instead of fool's demise.
sideboarding is interesting, there's the option of taking some combo cards off and becoming more controlish. you could take all the combo and change your strategy to control, build mana and corrupt, potentially mirari corrupt. also got some nice discarding and creature control.
Obs: I had some problems to submit Corrupt in the sideboard, please consider soul spike as corrupt.
I'm open to critics and sugestions