The main plan is to play elf on one, turn two cast The Goose Mother or Goldvein Hydra, to get some pressure and value on to the board. Then on turn three if they killed a Goldvein hydra you can cast some of your big threats or Kona. Then hopefully using a Tyvar's Stand you should be able to keep him alive to cast another big threat like Omniscience, Atraxa, Ghalta, Overloard of the Hauntwoods, or Bonny Pall, Clearcutter. However if you don't get Kona, or it dies you have many ways to ramp to threats and so cards don't eat suck in your hand. Another thing is that with 7 hydras the give us value are just good at any point in the game. I have not yet decided on a sideboard but I think it will have more card draw and also some couter spells. As for the mana base having not a lot of blue other than in the legends having a lot of split lands should make that easy to cast them and never have color issues.