We have 12 “2” drops. With the help of Chancellor of the Tangle we can play them on turn 1. With Chancellor of the Annex we can ensure it isn’t countered or removed instantly.
If we only have 1 of the Chancellors we already have an advantage. Lotuscobra is the most devastating T1 Stoneforge being close second.
If the game can´t be closed fast plan “B” will be using the shaman to discard the now obsolete Chancellors and get Phyrexian Metamorph, Hero or Crusaders. The Cryptologist has the same purpose but is probably the weakest card in the deck.
Like all creature based decks we are vulnerable to sweepers. Pyroclasm is the biggest nightmare.
I think this could really be a deck, but probably it will only be a funny FNM deck. I would be glad to see if you can pilot the deck with as much fun as I had and if you could tweak it a bit.