5 Color Battle Pile
by PrintNameHere
Latest Set:
Return to Ravnica
Last Modified On: 10/29/2012
Maindeck 248
Creature 28
4 Armada Wurm 4 Azor's Elocutors 4 Elderscale Wurm 4 Fog Bank 4 Snapcaster Mage 4 Stormtide Leviathan 4 ThragtuskSpell 108
4 Abrupt Decay 4 Battle of Wits 4 Bonfire of the Damned 4 Chromatic Lantern 4 Clinging Mists 4 Cyclonic Rift 4 Detention Sphere 4 Devastation Tide 4 Divine Reckoning 4 Door to Nothingness 4 Dreadbore 4 Druid's Deliverance 4 Elixir of Immortality 4 Entreat the Angels 4 Farseek 4 Feeling of Dread 4 Fog 4 Killing Wave 4 Mizzium Mortars 4 Murder 4 Oblivion Ring 4 Ranger's Path 4 Sleep 4 Supreme Verdict 4 Temporal Mastery 4 Terminus 4 Ultimate PriceLand 100
4 Blood Crypt 4 Clifftop Retreat 4 Dragonskull Summit 4 Drowned Catacomb 8 Forest 4 Glacial Fortress 4 Hallowed Fountain 4 Hinterland Harbor 8 Island 4 Isolated Chapel 8 Mountain 4 Overgrown Tomb 8 Plains 4 Rootbound Crag 4 Steam Vents 4 Sulfur Falls 4 Sunpetal Grove 8 Swamp 4 Temple Garden 4 Woodland CemeteryCOLORED MANA SYMBOLS
Average CMC: 3.49
So battle of wits and 244 other cards that help you stay alive in a deck 4 times the size of a normal standard deck. Play style is simple play removal hope for battle and jace works well as a tutor. Also note this is not a joke deck it is 100% serious and i would consider playing it if it was not so expensive for the cards