I took a homebrew Summoning Trap deck to PTQs back in May 2010 and went 4-4-0, and part of that was due to me being an awful player. I was pretty convinced that Summoning Trap was an almost format-defining diamond-in-the-rough. However, the metagame has changed, and I abandoned the deck (and the idea). I was inspired by Freddy Danger to revisit Summoning Trap, and the version I have now posted seems like the ideal version for the current, Scars of Mirrodin metagame. It is something of a cross between Mono-Green Eldrazi Ramp and UW Control, with the idea being to keep mana open for control while at the same time keeping it open to drop a Summoning Trap if control was unnecessary on your opponents turn. If the Trap fails (and Jace 2.0 literally stacks the deck in your favor to stop this potential problem), you can drop a Primeval Titan and ramp into the Eldrazi Legends, or just win with the Titan. I have not really done a thorough analysis of its matchups, and the balance between the two component deck archetypes is probably a bit off, so feedback would be appreciated.