this is how i think zombies is going to shape itself. the main board is trying to go for speed, with 7 lords, your full 1 drop package and highborn ghoul as the only decent play in the 2-drop spot. geralfs messenger should be amazing in nearly every match-up and hits fairly hard with a lord out. the sideboard plan is pretty strait-forward. grafdiggers cage does hurt gravecrawler, but against decks like solar flare and pod -where it hurts them more- recursion on gravecrawler isnt a huge deal. phyrexian crusader comes in against rdw and other decks utilizing red removal, him being a zombie is a huge plus as well. grimgrin comes in against control, and when he or apocalypse come in you want to have that island thrown in as well. theres 5 red mana sources to get rid of artifacts via manic vandal, hex parasite kills planeswalkers, zombie apocalypse for heavy-human decks.