Finally decided that Scorpion God needed the limelight before rotation and what better way than with the chainwhirler/mage combo and make a bunch of scarab tokens. Blazing volley, firebrand, lightning strike add damage that turns into -1/-1 counters. Ammit eternal keeps getting counters and is a base 5/5 for 3 mana. Plenty of removal to trigger The Scorpion God's draw power.
Fight with fire deals with big threats. Lost legacy deals with approach and other important spells. Duress against control. Spyglass against planeswalkers and ability-heavy decks. Naturalize for artifacts and enchantments. Now Angrath is good against aggro decks because you take one of their guys, swing with it, and it usually dies since you want to take a 3 drop or less from them. Also good against control since it forces them to discard a card. Now some spicy tech against control or white in general is Tenacious Hunter. Tenacious Hunter has vigilance as long as you have a -1/-1 counter on any creature. ANY people!! This keeps it from getting hit with seal away which a threat you can avoid when fighting control. Deathtouch doesn't hurt either.