someone once told me that if you want to have a card in your opening hand you want four of it
if you want to draw into it you have 3 of it
if you want it in the late game you have 2
if you have it there for searching your library for it, you have 1
that is what these numbers are based on.
everything about this deck is about multiple usage. what i mean is that savannah lions comes in and beats early and taps late, same for llanowar elves, and other small creatures. that's the basic idea of the deck. many people were using wrath damnation and i was getting tired of it so i tried to make a deck around it. well, i got to researching and the old deck evolved in what you see now. the old deck used to run griffin guides and saffi eriksdotter both good before and after wrath.
call of the herd give you multiple tokens and hurts control.
hierarch is the heart of this deck. although he is relatively slow, he's a gaining life beat stick and can be taken out for giant solifuge(not in board) if your meta is control.
harmonize refills your hand after a wrath or anytime you need it. it is one of the best draw spells in the current meta, next to tidings.
elves and birds are great accelerators, later game subduers, and can sometimes come through for some damage with a griffin guide
glare of subdual is the basis of the deck. great early game, great late game, great any time of the game.
fetters is an almost outdated choice, but it still seems too good to not be in almost every white deck. it takes care of large beat sticks and pesky activated abilites(i.e. sacred mesa, urza's factory, vitu-gazi, and many others. you really don't want it in your opening hand so i have three of them
four different great cards that i havein the deck are story circle, sacred mesa, and loxodon warhammer. they all do their own thing when needed:
1.sacred mesa is just a beast in the late game with all that mana open.
2.griffin guide comes to help your pewny elves or savannah lions. a 4 3 flier with a token when it dies it kinda hard to deal with, especially when combined with all other synergy in this deck.
3.warhammer goes on every and any token, or creature, gives it trample +3 and gains life. if it goes unanswered your life can climb to insane amounts and your opponent will cower at it.
4. story circle stops them from getting in for the winning damage or any damage at all and lets you choose the color.
finally, the sideboard is subjective on your local metagame(how people play around you) or environment. so i have put more than 15 cards. you choose. here is some help.
so many decks use their graveyard(dredge, reanimation, pox, firemane angel control, flashback(dranlu), martyr and others.
if the graveyard is left alone, sometimes things can get out of hand, so i suggest 4 stones
krosan grip is a must. it makes triskillvus bite the dust, it kills pesky game winning enchantments your opponet controlls like worship and is good against mono green aggro.
the cops are there for dragonstorm, boros, and firemayne.
worship is a b**** to deal with. no joke. it's another win condition. against anything that doesn't run naturalize. it can be in the sb.
you can put wrath i the side board if your meta makes it a necessary card. u want it in there if you're playing against crazy creature decks, vesuvian - hermit or things like that
the martyrs are there for boros, dragonstorm, and mga(mono green aggro) these can be take out and replaced. they'er for early decks that like to beat at your lifetotal and stall until you have time to get going.
leyline is for counter decks. counter tron, dranlu, the big guys that this does ok against but is almost an automatic win with leyline in your opening hand. this card is highly subjective because it is only against controll and not all control at that.
i won my first two tournaments i played with deck, you should have tons of fun with all the interactions between all the cards. this deck has good matchups against almost everything and when you add the sideboard in there, it gets ridiculous. you have to know how to play the deck, so test it out with your friends before you take it to your tournament. that is a must. if anyone has suggestions, any at all. please post.