**Updated for Dominaria United
Oooo Eeee! This is an annoying one. Just make sure you start with at least one land of each color. From there you're just drawing cards until you can play the following sequence: Turn 4 - Big Score, Turn 5 - Arcane Bombardment. Turn 6 - they concede.
**Now you can wait a bit until you have two extra mana for a Negate to protect Arcane Bombardment. Instead play Jaya or even an earlier Seize the Storm.**
Once Bombardment starts it don't stop. There're counters to deal with enchantment removal. There's plenty of damage to go directly to the face. All sorts of removal! And of course, there's Seize the storm (which you can discard) to make giant dudes!
**instead of damage to the face, your win condition is monks and elementals. Actually, your win condition is being so annoying your opponent concedes because they can't put anything on the board. Finally, don't draw out your deck! Stop playing draw cards from AB when you've reached about 20 left in your library.**
Have fun and sorry for losing friends.