ok. this is a zombies deck for regionals. ive been playtesting online with it for a while now, and it seems to work exceptionally well. its got a decent chance at winning every fist game, barring a little trouble with slide and mwc. it gets going so quick that it usually has either one down on very low life by the time they can drop a wrath. against either, if you drop a persecute before they can wrath, its pretty much over. if not, then they are still on a short clock. the only problem tends to be the pulse of the fields, played by mwc. mwc crutches on this card for every aggro matchup, so get rid of it, and the deck will crumble. after sb, most matchups become pretty easy to win. you just drop quick creatures, beat em down, and drop your utility cards that you boarded in. there are cards in the sb to increase your changes of winning for every matchup, to make it a more well-rounded deck. some cards do present a problem to this deck: karma, and story cicrle cop black. the circle can be outrun if they drop it too late, or even on the 3rd turn. and, you can drop a lot of zombies, cycle the polluter, and recurr it. against karma, well, just attack and try not to die. i havent seen either of these cards played in any decent decks yet, so i dont think they will be a problem. however, if they do play karma, you should be able to outrun them anyways. or, drop an early persecute to seal the deal. you draw more cards than they do, so you will most likely find an answer first. good luck.