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Creatureless Control

by taimla101

Format: Standard
Latest Set: Worldwake
Last Modified On: 2/20/2010
Market Median Low
$1,052.93 $2,625.40 $983.04
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 2.62


just like the uw control decks we are seeing at san diego. but i always want to do a different take on things. why is this better i dont know, but its different. well, i suppose it loses path and doj, but it gains sorin, nicol bolas and liliana vess. and this does have a better matchup against fast decks for those of you unfamiliar with the deck, there is a deck tech on pt coverage here: http: www.wizards.com magic magazine article.aspx?x=mtg daily eventcoverage ptsd10 dt2 but for those of you who dont want to watch it, it essentally just plays a jace, then blows up the field with days and paths, and it runs 4 cancels, and 4 chalices, so it can get a lot of mana fast. then once you have no field, they counter whatever you play, and jace your draws. there are no creatures, except sometimes 1 single iona, but the deck can quite regularly win with jaces ultimate. in fact, patrick chapin, who did the deck tech said that was the best way he had to win. he also said the manlands were more for blocking.

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