after playing a very similar list at states, i found that against certain matchups unless you have mainboard removal you will most likely lose. if your opponent has main linvala or can drop a baneslayer after a day of judgement,unless you have enough to rebuild and then a monument or ezuri to overrun you may as well go to game 2. so with the splash of black and a couple doom blade mainboarded, i feel this deck will be much more resilient to those cards. now of course u w or almost any varient of control is a favorable matchup for elves, i just noticed from playing that if your opponent does get a t4 linvala or t5 baneslayer,it can really change the board position and outcome of a game. i chose to make the black splash instead of keeping the deck green and then mainboarding plummets because even though most of your biggest creature issues have flying,plummet only hits flyers and will in turn make it much more of a dead card in many matchups. by playing doom blades it takes care of those flyers and then in other matchups is definitely not going to be a dead card. this is just my take on the deck and what can be done to it to possibly make it better.