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Hell to Heaven and back

by TheDemonAngel

Format: Standard
Latest Set: Dragon's Maze
Last Modified On: 7/15/2013
Market Median Low
$240.45 $249.41 $175.18
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 2.31


This is my pride and joy creation. fun deck a lot of simple combos, but the winner is gotta be sublime with the mauler. devil or two to start the game, drop a cathedral or two by turn four or five with a knight and she is swinging hard either on haste or double strike. another cool card is the vexing devil, he just keeps on giving wether i wait until turn two and drop him with a swamp after to give it undying and keep it in the game if im not facing a control deck. usually he gets side boarded out against control. control battle the combination of nighthawk and paladin on a double strike is nice. he gets even nicer with the rhox on the board. youll get to 100 points in no time. good ol nefarox and mutilate for a blacker draw makes life a lot of fun, but in reality i nefarox always gets side boarded out for immortal servitude especially against control decks. supreme verdict coming your way undying evil and faiths shield is a nice protection. knights of infamy, always nice too. exalted is a solid mechanic, imagine a couple angels on the board with a couple knights...good night yall. it was a fun deck i had to break up, in all honestly i never played it with mutilate, but now i see how great that would have been against the aggro beat downs. i had ways out of the beatdown with undying evil and the lifelink, but clearing an all red blitz feels nice. with eight shocklands and three swamps most 2-3 drops should be dead when you reach your mutilate. i would save dreadbore for the good ol planeswalkers and the bombs. burning oil is in there for a blood baron. he never was to much of an obstacle with double strike nighthawks or sublime archangels or nefarox. like i said fun deck that always was missing that ingredients. mutilate gives it that balance, and i hope you have fun playing with the deck. i was never able to play the deck at a fnm, it was kind of too expensive for me. did play it on magic online and i could compete with jund midrange, the aristrocrats, reanimator decks, any of them...not aggro sometimes because if i didnt get my protection spells id get blitz. i believe mutilate will solve that. at this point in standard this deck is over, but was wondering if anybody had any ideas to make this stronger for modern. any comments, criticism, anything on what you think. thank you. here you go gods of magic, i give you a deck.

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