The idea is to keep the mana cost low and do a lot of damage very quickly. Goblin arsonist and vexing devil threaten your opponents life in the first moves. The key is using guttersnipe to ramp up the damage coming from your low cost spells, while quickly producing a swarm with young pyromancer. Boros reckoner provides a threat to your opponent as well as a solid blocker and a way to turn your creature only spells into player damaging ones. Brimstone volley combines with vexing devil and barrage of expendable to activate its morbid trigger, dealing a consistent 5 damage for 3 manna.
The sideboard provides flexibility against control decks. Mindsparker can replace Boros reckoner as a defender and threaten white and blue decks. Nivmagus elemental allows your deck to get some extra value if you are playing a counterspell heavy deck. Reverberate and flames of the firebrand are to adapt to decks with larger or smaller creatures.