i came up with this deck in an effort to built a treefolk deck where doran wasn't required, rather he simply complimented the deck well if he came out. i accomplished this so much so, that when using harbingers or cream to search for cards, i usually pick up dourbark or timber protectors instead. there's a little bit of life gain here in orchard warden and luminescent rain, some deck thinning and manipulation with cream and the harbingers, and some mana excel with birds and the bannerets keeping things cheap. it's surprising how quickly stuff actually comes out. early dourbark followed by some everbark shamans to pump him, and a timber protector (or two!) is a great thing to see on the field. several times i've run across the situation where i have a field full of indestructible treefolk who are being chump blocked by tokens turn after turn. that's where overrun comes in - it's your kill condition. you'd be surprised how easy it is to find with a couple of creams out on the field and big creatures dropping.