please give advice on how to make this deck better for fmn. please see it has a few ways to win.
1. of course the name of the deck is master blaster, which means we bring our master of cruelties (4) to bring your life from whatever to one if he does damage unblocked. so how to get him through unblocked? goblins dips (4)force you to tap all your creatures so master can attack unblocked. come at me big and i have riot control to negate it all. aureleias fury will do the same to tap all your blockers. rogues passage will let him through, too.
2. then there is the ultimate combo of exquisite blood paired with vizkopa guildmage.
2. then there are the flyers - to do attack trough the air, or defend long enough to keep me in the game to pull of master or the ultimate. vampire nighhawk (3) has me gaining life and killing creatures, while sublime archangel (3) exalts the whole gang (even gideon) and ends the game.
3. lets not forget obzedat (3) who hits you for you, helps me, and disappears until my next turn.
please help me make master blaster better and recommend a good sideboard.