this deck uses the obzedat in the mainboard to overwhelm and evade your opponents threats. besides obzedat the most consistent win comes with exquisite blood and the guildmage, a very under looked combo in standard right now. lingering souls and sign in blood provide early answers and threats while nighthawk and the pilgrim compensate for life loss due to sign in blood, lands, damage, etc. blind obedience puts you one step ahead any aggro or midrange deck supplying you with time to make a big drop, or wipe the board with mutilate or barter in blood. duress deprives greedy players of their early or late game threats and can slow them down a great amount. we use blood artist to protect against board wipes and also be a big win condition with mutilate in the late game. restoration angel allows us to re-soulbond our pilgrims and also blink obzedat. rogues passage assures us a swing with obzedat or a nighthawk, to gain back necessary life or put our opponents in a pressure situation. this deck requires a sacrifice of life in the beginning like, sign in blood, and godless shrine, but assures that you get your lands or any other threats when you need them, the life loss is well regained in short time as a single swing with a pilgrim, nighthawk, angel or obzedat, can give us the upper hand in the late game. against control builds we can outrace them with blind obedience using extort even if our creatures or spells do get countered. sideboard options like deathpact angel let us out-smart board wipes and using mutilate and barter in blood to our advantage. lord of the void and elixir of immortality can out mill nephalia downyard and reset our library for cards we need, or to make them go back to square one. high priest of penance can make a board wipe necessary for an opponent to justify attacking and can turn an annoying enchantment or artifact to dust. this build is very strong an i think it could become a threat to look for in standard soon.