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~Zedruu the Greathearted

by penguinche

Format: Commander
Latest Set: Magic 2012 (M12)
Last Modified On: 7/9/2011
Market Median Low
$3,497.22 $2,249.92

Maindeck 99

Market Median Low




Average CMC: 3.19


i have had this deck together for about 3 weeks now and it is super fun to play! in case you dont know how thought lash works with zedruu with tl in play during your upkeep, tls cumulative upkeep triggers, while it is on the stack, use zedruus ability to donate it to an opponent, then when the ability resolves (you still being the abilities controller) choose not to pay the upkeep cost. once the ability resolves, tl is not sacrificed for not paying the upkeep since you cannot sacrifice something you do not control. however, tls second ability (the one causing a player to remove their library from the game)activates upon the upkeep not being paid, thus removing its new controllers library from the game. pretty awesome.... this deck has a couple more win conditions kill people by donating and bouncing illusion of grandeur delusions of mediocrity. deck everyone using temple bell + mind over matter. deal lethal damage to all opponents with niv-mizzet the firemind via card draw (i.e. temple bell arcanis the omnipotent + mind over matter.

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