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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 351 - 400 of 404 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
4 Color Revolt (Abzan Blue) Killerbeastsnipe 10/2/2017
U/W Approach Jim Davis SCG Open Standard - Dallas - 10/1/17 5th-8th 10/2/2017
Abzan Blue (4 color) Revolt Killerbeastsnipe 10/2/2017
Abzan Blue (4 color) Revolt Killerbeastsnipe 10/2/2017
W/U Approach Anssi A MTGO Standard PTQ - 10/1/17 17th-32nd 10/2/2017
u/w approach grimgato 10/1/2017
Ramp mill crash_test 9/29/2017
Mono-Black Discard seth.carrozza 9/22/2017
Rainbow Dash Killerbeastsnipe 9/20/2017
Thassa EDH MrSmellmore 9/19/2017
Mono-Blue Junk Killerbeastsnipe 9/19/2017
Mega Cycling Killerbeastsnipe 9/16/2017
Dictate Vision VorMIK 9/15/2017
U Prowess Barook 9/12/2017
R/U Izzet Synergy Sabat9Actual 9/8/2017
Zur Enchant Python Ron 9/8/2017
Eternal sun CapnCanuk 9/2/2017
u/w gift Riley0729 9/1/2017
Devoted Haven Trial // Tribulations 8/27/2017
B aggro Meowgie 8/26/2017
Red, Black, Blue Flyer/Warrior Deck GunterDunelap3 8/22/2017
Mono U aggro Leokamahl 8/21/2017
Budget Hapatra Nylar 8/21/2017
pre-release (looking for help) FEH 8/20/2017
Mono Blue Aggro (Rotation Proof, Budget) SBMTG_Dev 8/20/2017
House of Mirrors 3.0 ClassicCody 8/17/2017
House of mirrors 2.0 ClassicCody 8/17/2017
House of Mirrors ClassicCody 8/17/2017
Simic Elves ClassicCody 8/15/2017
UB Afflict Aggro Sporter 8/14/2017
UR Hour of Eternity SBMTG_Dev 8/13/2017
G / U Wurms Ramp Leon9358 8/12/2017
G/U Ramp Chaoticwayz 8/12/2017
Red Blue Control Burn Asked5 8/11/2017
Locusts Angels Nylar 8/6/2017
Mono blue mill for tournament feedback please crash_test 8/4/2017
Izzet contol Ergwon 8/2/2017
Izzet contol Ergwon 8/2/2017
B/R Control Dean McLaren Pro Tour Hour of Devastation 7/30/2017
Goblin electromancer Byohazzarddd 7/29/2017
Nicol's Locust Throne -mid- Nylar 7/29/2017
Sidisi EDH Mig 7/28/2017
Mono U Mill xThuganomicsx 7/28/2017
U/W Fraying Sanity Dhoard1320 7/25/2017
UR Cast InCaster 7/24/2017
W/U Moument Vincent Lanceford SCG Atlanta Team Open - Standard - 7/22/17 17th-32nd 7/24/2017
Cubing with the Baddies GeraldBaldZ 7/19/2017
Cycle Away Hitchhike79 7/17/2017
U/W God-Pharaoh's Gift SBMTG_Dev 7/15/2017
Blue Standard Mill Hacker108 7/12/2017

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