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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 5001 - 5050 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Grixis Delver EronRelentless MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/26/2018 9th-16th 8/29/2018
U/B Shadow GetDunked MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/26/2018 5th-8th 8/29/2018
U/B Shadow pAmp0 MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/26/2018 5th-8th 8/29/2018
Grixis Control reiderrabbit MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/26/2018 3rd-4th 8/29/2018
Mono black beat down Homelander 8/29/2018
Tomb InspectorFoey 8/28/2018
Mono-Black Zombies NicolasBeland MTGO Competitive Standard League: 08/23/18 8/28/2018
Blackout RevenantSoulz 8/28/2018
Mardu Pyromancer zachiet MTGO Modern Challenge 08/26/18 17th-32nd 8/28/2018
Jund ebene2222 MTGO Modern Challenge 08/26/18 17th-32nd 8/28/2018
Brostorm VolpeC 8/27/2018
Zombie DnX 8/27/2018
Mardu Pyromancer arcto 8/27/2018
Mardu Pyromacer Nico85 8/27/2018
Mardu Pyromancer Leszek Luty Grand Prix Prague 2018 9th-16th 8/27/2018
Mardu Pyromancer Zachary Goldman SCG Open Modern - Baltimore - 08/26/2018 9th-16th 8/26/2018
Grixis Death's Shadow Caleb Hardekopf SCG Open Modern - Baltimore - 08/26/2018 17th-32nd 8/26/2018
Mardu Pyromancer arcto 8/26/2018
Esper Stoneblade Ultimar MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/25/2018 8/26/2018
Aluren btraut MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/25/2018 8/26/2018
Grixis Delver Dia7315 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/25/2018 8/26/2018
The Antiquities War Affinity Bahra MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/25/2018 8/26/2018
U/B Shadow GetDunked MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/25/2018 8/26/2018
Dredge Garlan MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/25/2018 8/26/2018
Monoblack Matt Daimon mtgcuck 8/25/2018
Varina {EDH} SithDragon33 8/24/2018
Mardu Pyromacer mtgjared2 8/23/2018
Godzilla Alan Comer 8/23/2018
Rec-Sur Brian Selden Worlds '98 1st 8/23/2018
U/B Shadow jaredallsop619 MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/19/2018 17th-32nd 8/23/2018
Grixis Delver _Pear MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/19/2018 17th-32nd 8/23/2018
U/B Shadow GetDunked MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/19/2018 17th-32nd 8/23/2018
U/B Shadow lucky_dragon MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/19/2018 9th-16th 8/23/2018
U/B Shadow Maheegan001 MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/19/2018 9th-16th 8/23/2018
U/B Shadow LuisMJ MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/19/2018 9th-16th 8/23/2018
Storm Styroxis MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/19/2018 5th-8th 8/23/2018
U/B Shadow Dartx4 MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/19/2018 1st 8/23/2018
2018 Guild Challenge Mirko Vosk Dimir Mill Yrahcaz313 8/22/2018
Grixis Delver Ark4n MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/18/2018 8/22/2018
Shardless Sultai TakeYourT1me MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/18/2018 8/22/2018
Pox MDA11 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/18/2018 8/22/2018
U/B Shadow Maheegan001 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/18/2018 8/22/2018
Reanimator Shoe555 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/18/2018 8/22/2018
Dredge Eruxus MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/18/2018 8/22/2018
Grixis Control WinRyder MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/18/2018 8/22/2018
Storm Surfinbird19 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/18/2018 8/22/2018
Mono-Black Zombies trojanmamba MTGO Competitive Standard League: 08/20/18 8/21/2018
g/b zombie GameKnights 8/21/2018
U/B Death's Shadow Collin Rountree SCG Classic Legacy - Dallas - 08/19/2018 9th-16th 8/20/2018
Living End David Pierce SCG Classic Modern - Dallas - 08/19/2018 5th-8th 8/20/2018

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