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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 6851 - 6900 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Grixis Delver Seth Manfield 4/14/2017
Grixis Control P3wP3w MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/10-4/16 4/13/2017
B/G Depths Ryan Laplante SCG Classic Legacy - Worcester - 04/08/17 9th-16th 4/12/2017
Mardu Midrange Selfeisek MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/10-4/16 4/12/2017
Devil Burn Pikjurs 4/11/2017
Sultai Control Jim Davis SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 04/09/17 17th-32nd 4/10/2017
Grixis Delver Ryan Phraner SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 04/09/17 9th-16th 4/10/2017
Karador, Ghost Cheiftain (EDH Deck by Nam) Lukerson59 4/10/2017
Grixis Delver Nate Barton SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 04/09/17 2nd 4/10/2017
Ragin' Rakdos SwagMoneyYOLO 4/10/2017
Pharika EDH Enchantment tribal Salj 4/8/2017
RW Vehicles budget deck White Calamus 4/6/2017
Yahenni, Undying Partisan EDH Parker1298 4/6/2017
Jace and Liliana's pact AkGrimmreaper907 4/6/2017
Levi's Deck Grixsis Starkller919 4/6/2017
Grixis Control Hitoshiki02 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/03-4/09 4/5/2017
Erebos, God of the Dead RowanLaurel 4/4/2017
Savra, Queen of the Golgari RowanLaurel 4/4/2017
Dralnu LHSpud22 4/3/2017
Dralnu LHSpud22 4/3/2017
Dralnu LHSpud22 4/3/2017
Mardu Gitska 4/2/2017
UB Commander Control carlcory 4/1/2017
Living End BoltUpTop 4/1/2017
Grenzo The Phenom 4/1/2017
Mardu Selfeisek MTGO Competitive Modern League: 3/27-4/02 4/1/2017
Superior Gruul ellisoriginal 3/31/2017
Nekusar (COM) nekusar 3/31/2017
Edgar Allan Poe PhoenixBFP 3/29/2017
Eco Terrorism PhoenixBFP 3/29/2017
Olivia Vampire Madness EDH steadylynx 3/29/2017
Theme Deck - Vraska/Pharika Giopar 3/29/2017
Grenzo's Escape Hatch Bruce Richard 3/28/2017
Budget Peasant Cube Brimaz4Life 3/27/2017
Legacy Reanimator - Control? Halfzipp 3/26/2017
UB Control With Creatures carlcory 3/25/2017
4 - Atraxa, Praetors' Voice Glenfeed 3/24/2017
Theme Deck - Guild Rakdos Giopar 3/23/2017
Mardu Vechicles Starkller919 3/22/2017
Grixis Control d_peliser MTGO Competitive Modern League: 3/20-3/26 3/21/2017
Dwarf / Vehicle (Budget) Tesh 3/21/2017
War-Torn Grixis Cat_c0de 3/18/2017
Triton, combo king DrShakalu 3/17/2017
Ad Nauseum danodan MTGO Competitive Modern League: 3/13-3/19 3/17/2017
triton cards needed junaidnomani 3/16/2017
triton hero junaidnomani 3/16/2017
Hand Hate TheComboMasta 3/15/2017
Emrakul has expensive lands Dakyren 3/15/2017
Living End Jody Keith SCG Classic Modern - Dallas - 3/12/17 1st 3/14/2017
Ad Nauseam Dylan Gellis 2017 TCGplayer States - MD 2nd 3/13/2017

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