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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 6951 - 7000 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Sultai Control Cody Setree SCG Classic Legacy - Baltimore - 2/19/17 9th-16th 2/20/2017
BR Vampires iNCuBuS303 2/18/2017
Eternities Crafter Kamikm 2/16/2017
Grixis Delver Tanner Cruse 2/16/2017
Savagely Atraxa Kamikm 2/16/2017
Accursed Damia magg28 2/16/2017
Vampires Thalia 2/14/2017
UW Vehicles Promethium 2/14/2017
CUBE greymedium 2/14/2017
UR Improvise (Budget) Sporter 2/13/2017
Golem Dimir 2/12/2017
R/W Speed Brantley Taylor 2/11/2017
The Walkers Dead TooMuchTooSoon 2/11/2017
Four-Color "Dogs in Boats" Craig Wescoe 2/10/2017
Mono-White "Dogs in Boats" Craig Wescoe 2/10/2017
Ad Naseum Casey Lancaster SCG Regionals Modern - Acton - 2/4/17 5th-8th 2/9/2017
Lala 4 MrJasonACas 2/9/2017
Lala 1 MrJasonACas 2/9/2017
Vehicle Commander jarodsiefker 2/9/2017
Living End Roxtar88 2/9/2017
Mardu TheCrispyGremlin 2/9/2017
Kaalia Commander El Baramallo 2/9/2017
Meren Deckbuilds 2/8/2017
Black White Removal (budget) McAppleBits 2/7/2017
Living End Nick Spears SCG Regionals Modern - Plano - 2/4/17 1st 2/7/2017
Grixis Delver Corey Guild SCG Regionals Modern - Minneapolis - 2/4/17 2nd 2/7/2017
Grixis Delver Poverty rin-chan 2/7/2017
Boros Armor Wesley Wong 2/7/2017
Jund Josh Katine SCG Regionals Modern - Orlando - 2/4/17 5th-8th 2/7/2017
Grixis Delver Konnor Arlinghous SCG Regionals Modern - Orlando - 2/4/17 5th-8th 2/7/2017
BGR Living End Halfzipp 2/6/2017
Ramses Overdark Straffa 2/5/2017
Rakdos, Lord of EDH Jakil 2/5/2017
Lupine Vehicles Big Papa 2/2/2017
Living END expertise Hellio DW 2/2/2017
Yahenni, Tribal Vampire Hellio DW 2/1/2017
Atraxa Amplify91 2/1/2017
Peacewalker's Expertise (budget) DurnkIndustries 1/31/2017
Atraxa SF DMU 1/31/2017
Temp, cheap ub edh buylist Koopa 1/30/2017
Legacy Mono Black Control BoomBoomStormCloud 1/30/2017
Are We There Yet basementMTG 1/30/2017
Baral Aether Revolt BBrown1992 1/29/2017
test Kiro 1/29/2017
Legacy Spanish Belcher BoomBoomStormCloud 1/29/2017
Vehicular Fireblaze Runewo1f 1/28/2017
Living End Seth Manfield 1/27/2017
Lupine Dreadnought Sporter 1/26/2017
Frontier Lupine Sporter 1/26/2017
Baby, You Can Drive MaCar Bruce Richard 1/24/2017

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