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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 701 - 750 of 2472 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Prismatic dragons EDHv2 promnv 5/15/2014
pushing Athreos cateran 5/14/2014
yo LokitheDamned 5/13/2014
Athreos Auras WriterofWrong 5/8/2014
BW Reanimator EDH BTKLTD 5/7/2014
BW Reanimator BTKLTD 5/7/2014
Orzhov EDH nrazor97 5/6/2014
Junk Midrange Cryinggod MTGO Modern Premier - 7035631 - 4/27/14 5th-8th 5/6/2014
BW Tokens sufferthejoy (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/21/14 5/2/2014
University of Esper AngelOfElysium 5/1/2014
b w aristicrats vjc0305 4/30/2014
Extort EDH Generalian 4/28/2014
Death and Taxes Out Out 4/28/2014
athreos rcdazy 4/23/2014
BW Discard Zwaken 4/23/2014
Athreos EDH panface 4/22/2014
Athreos Mod Aggro/Control cateran 4/22/2014
BW Tokens Narling MTGO Modern Premier - 6950564 - 4/5/14 3rd-4th 4/20/2014
EDH Cube jp523 4/19/2014
Esper Midrange drknox5 4/17/2014
bridge pox grouty 4/16/2014
Doran 1v1 Scottlingley 4/13/2014
B/W Midrange (Modern) FlappyFish 4/12/2014
BW Again Spice Weasel 4/11/2014
Karador FFA TYBG 4/11/2014
Karador1.0 frost239 4/8/2014
B/W Tokens 2.0 (Modern) FlappyFish 4/7/2014
Obzedat's Oppression Hunting4Witchz 4/4/2014
BW Tokens seijim2 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/24/14 4/2/2014
price track tystalin 3/31/2014
DoranTokensfromtheGrave amp811 3/31/2014
BW Tokens seijim2 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/17/14 3/30/2014
Devouring spirits Andorfine 3/27/2014
Turbo Fog simonriley 3/26/2014
BW Tokens seijim2 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/10/14 3/23/2014
B/W Knights Modern Verity 3/21/2014
w/b stone blade shadowsmiles42 3/21/2014
GCO version 1.1 Rudoso 3/20/2014
Esper Wrath Elphabah 3/10/2014
Kaalia is cray cray Hotguana 3/9/2014
EDH/Cube Zippy 3/8/2014
BW tokens nation 3/8/2014
WB Control kevyan123 3/3/2014
Triplet Control v. 0.1 NinjaMaiden 3/3/2014
B/W aggro 2 Brometheus 3/3/2014
Team Italia hamfactorial (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/17/14 3/3/2014
Sydri Combo Lock Kmart756 2/26/2014
BW Tokens Craig Wescoe Pro Tour Born of the Gods 2/25/2014
Bitter Tokens jrozier1532 2/23/2014
cards for sharuum caboose249 2/22/2014

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