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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2351 - 2400 of 2472 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
BW Tokens overrun 12/12/2008
manequin d3@th 12/12/2008
5-color bombs poorburger 12/11/2008
Persist jonathancellodude 12/8/2008
WBR Land Destruction karkrazy1292 12/7/2008
BWg Aggro James Burnham 2008 State Champs - New Hampshire 3rd-4th 12/5/2008
My Holy Unholynes Tackbracka 12/3/2008
Reveillark2 JTAubrey 12/2/2008
zombies boarije 11/26/2008
B/W Aggro Yoel Izsak 2008 State Champs - Maryland 3rd-4th 11/22/2008
Sharumm EDH pablophonix87 11/21/2008
W/B midrange d3@th 11/20/2008
Reveillark Paul Bremner 2008 UK Champs - Bath 3rd-4th 11/19/2008
Reveillark Laura Dawes 2008 UK Champs - Oxford 2nd 11/19/2008
EsperLark Steven Nemeth 2008 UK Champs - London 5th-8th 11/19/2008
Elemental Matt Brown 2008 UK Champs - London 5th-8th 11/19/2008
Wb AggroLark Traitor 11/18/2008
Esperantu RyuumiGaroukuni 11/17/2008
artifact quicks clyde10 11/14/2008
zömbie brentmitzner 11/14/2008
Foggy Dreams GoblinToken 11/13/2008
2nd Place Thomas Evaristo 2008 State Champs - Delaware 2nd 11/13/2008
5th - 8th Zach Thompson 2008 State Champs - Colorado 5th-8th 11/13/2008
5th - 8th Ben Mayer 2008 State Champs - Vermont 5th-8th 11/13/2008
Doran with Wings Reitensen 11/12/2008
Realm o/t Planeswalkers Richard T Stachurski 2008 State Champs - Ohio 5th-8th 11/12/2008
Reveillark Brad Tinney 2008 State Champs - Michigan 5th-8th 11/12/2008
Cruel Control Dustin Harper 2008 State Champs - Tennessee 5th-8th 11/12/2008
Needleduck Reitensen 11/12/2008
UWb Reveillark Rick Cummings 2008 State Champs - North Dakota 3rd-4th 11/11/2008
3rd - 4th Ryan Morlock 2008 State Champs - Oklahoma 3rd-4th 11/10/2008
EsperLark Randy Williams 2008 Game in the Golf - Roanoke 5th-8th 11/10/2008
planes goodec 11/10/2008
STD - BW Weenie jeremyfuentes_ftw 11/7/2008
doran agro d3@th 11/6/2008
Revillark wackyfunster 11/5/2008
The Best Deck in Standard scott1211 11/2/2008
Reveimatum kenkong82 11/2/2008
bw mimic riadenx88 10/29/2008
Ureap?Usow-HELP PLEASE! maniac_mack 10/29/2008
wb d3@th 10/27/2008
Discard Reitensen 10/26/2008
Life Drain nyxus 10/26/2008
Undead Panda monoblackout 10/26/2008
Reveillark JTAubrey 10/25/2008
Balefire Control Anti-Creature_Freak 10/23/2008
UWB Olka - Blink Ya! ♥ Hiruko 10/22/2008
the bitter giant thecomicguy 10/22/2008
U/W/b Control grimmtastic 10/22/2008
GBW Zombies JTAubrey 10/21/2008

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