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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1051 - 1100 of 1142 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Jeskai Extra Turns ConsolasBecketts 6/24/2017
U/W Gideon Control Demotrix 6/23/2017
W/U Control bennyhillz MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/19-6/25 6/21/2017
R/W Nahiri Control SlayItWithRoses MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/19-6/25 6/20/2017
BW Midrange aidenpk 6/19/2017
Mono-White twistling MTGO Competitive Standard League: 6/12-6/18 6/19/2017
Second sun (incomplete) ImReserect 6/16/2017
uw control finchubberz 6/16/2017
Abzan superfriends Vezorick 6/14/2017
R/W Prison Chris Johnson SCG Open Modern - Charlotte - 6/10/17 17th-32nd 6/13/2017
R/W Prison Quentin Glover SCG Open Modern - Charlotte - 6/10/17 17th-32nd 6/13/2017
Jeskai As Foretold Atomic_Josh 6/9/2017
a stagetao 6/9/2017
Bant Gods or G.A.R.Y. Gods Are Rarely Yielding Forster 6/7/2017
UW As Foretold lets 6/6/2017
UW As Foretold lets 6/6/2017
UW As Foretold lets 6/6/2017
Mardu Vehicles Raymond Baligaya 2017 Grand Prix Manila 17th-32nd 6/5/2017
UW Vehicle aidenpk 6/4/2017
W/B Night and Day Tricks BearClawBrownjamminBuck 6/4/2017
UW Control pgm 6/3/2017
UW Midrange aidenpk 6/3/2017
U/w Gideon Control Demotrix 6/1/2017
Mono White Humans Justin Tierney 6/1/2017
R/W Control Peter Lueschen SCG Open Modern - Baltimore - 5/27/17 17th-32nd 5/29/2017
Mono-white Humans Elednor 5/29/2017
Death & Taxes Natan Forslin 2017 Grand Prix Copenhagen 17th-32nd 5/28/2017
BW Control Kasper1023 5/28/2017
W/U Control SmokinHadouken MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/22-5/28 5/28/2017
Red-White Prison Seth Manfield 5/26/2017
Mono-White Humans Craig Wescoe 5/26/2017
Mono White Humans billybob 5/24/2017
SPACESHIP! Doctorchu157 5/23/2017
White-Black Control Raphael Levy 5/23/2017
5 Color Amulet Superfriends ConsolasBecketts 5/23/2017
Azorious Control ConsolasBecketts 5/23/2017
W/R Prison Pete Lueschen 2017 SCG Louisville Team Open - Modern 5th-8th 5/22/2017
Token Frenzy Darthbane 5/22/2017
Kefnet Control Diarmuid212 5/17/2017
Buylist UltimaDestructo 5/14/2017
Catmancer BaconLaserBeam 5/14/2017
WB Control Boognish 5/13/2017
Orzhov Control MrBlack206 5/12/2017
White-Blue Flash Craig Wescoe 5/12/2017
Mardu Vehicles for the Poor Baryshnikov 5/11/2017
Bant Walkers W0lfhide 5/10/2017
Mardu Vehicles termidor MTGO Competitive Standard League: 5/8-5/14 5/10/2017
U/W Control That One Guy 5/9/2017
Abzan Walkers Crimson Law 5/8/2017
W/B Fabricate Amonkhet abill1 5/8/2017

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