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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 7801 - 7850 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Omnath fatal_jmj 2/6/2014
Shattering Stax ExoTox 2/6/2014
BOLAS_STAX jayauriemma01 2/5/2014
Cube first draft caboose249 2/5/2014
Mono-green Devotion edhcommander 2/5/2014
Metra Mana Train firebear 2/4/2014
Edh legends thakavIII 2/3/2014
Anthem of Birdman Obsydian 2/3/2014
nekusar firebear 2/3/2014
Drana EDH Syck1 2/2/2014
Blist... Trollverton 2/2/2014
Red Heroic Sporter2 2/1/2014
Angry Birds fourth22 2/1/2014
Domri Obliterator Ethan Lampe 1/31/2014
Melire Pod Mac2112 1/30/2014
Erayo, Curse of Phyrexia Prototaph 1/29/2014
White w/Splashed Black CheezyWeezle 1/28/2014
Azorius Bounce LoneCrusader 1/28/2014
Scapeshift TERROl2 MTGO Modern Premier - 6592298 - 1/12/14 9th-16th 1/28/2014
Cody's return to Faggotry Mollyman1 1/27/2014
Esper Death-Blade Rudy Briksza 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Baltimore - 1/26 3rd-4th 1/27/2014
Painted Stone Jack Kitchen 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Baltimore - 1/26 5th-8th 1/27/2014
Death and Taxes Travis Cowley 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Baltimore - 1/26 5th-8th 1/27/2014
Esper Stone-Blade Jim Davis 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Baltimore - 1/26 9th-16th 1/27/2014
American Delver Ben Friedman 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Baltimore - 1/26 9th-16th 1/27/2014
Humans (budget) mr_riichi 1/27/2014
4CC TacoMaster 1/27/2014
Cube stuff Shoney31 1/26/2014
Sed acshinobi 1/26/2014
Grand Arbiter MaverickEnigma 1/26/2014
KameHame Wave vagrant 1/24/2014
Untap, Upkeep, DIE! Out Out 1/24/2014
Derevi TheRealPeaches 1/22/2014
bluerpsusper Bathtub 1/21/2014
oloro blusentinel 1/21/2014
EDH Godo Artifact Warlord josephtgorman 1/21/2014
as iTzGravy 1/21/2014
UW Heroic Blazenfury2314 1/20/2014
Painted Stone John Cuvelier 2013 StarCity Open Legacy - Orlando - 1/13 1/20/2014
Titan Wave StaticDecoy 1/20/2014
blue Bathtub 1/19/2014
Death and Taxes Slammy 1/17/2014
Death in Texas Cujo3211 1/17/2014
Mult player control mac9891 1/16/2014
legacy ramp cateran 1/15/2014
Monogreen Devotion Moi (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/30/13 1/15/2014
SKREDDECKWINS empires315 1/14/2014
Jund Wuzlking (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/30/13 1/14/2014
4C Birthing Pod Amand Dosimont 2014 Grand Prix Prague - 1/11 9th-16th 1/14/2014
Red Combo Final -ZzoNe- 1/14/2014

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