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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 8601 - 8650 of 9902 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Kaalia of the Vast cmhhss1 6/20/2011
Scion of the Ur-Dragon Gaffy00 6/20/2011
Mimeoplasm test elerosse 6/20/2011
Edric, Spymaster of Trest Jubokko 6/20/2011
Animar EDH Syrne 6/20/2011
Heavenly Inferno v2.0 calibur45 6/20/2011
Kaalia EDH Nick 30075 6/20/2011
5-Color Dragon EDH TheAbracadaver 6/20/2011
The Mimeoplasm blk_magic 6/20/2011
Obliterating Legacy damon_dusk 6/20/2011
Sheoldred, Whispering One Greg McCleery 6/20/2011
Animar, Soul of Elements kayvee 6/20/2011
Izzet Fastner 6/20/2011
Riku EDH Cealest 6/20/2011
Sygg MTGO EDH BitchTits 6/19/2011
Incendiary Dreams DuskCloak 6/19/2011
Work of Sloop ChrisM 6/19/2011
Controlling creatures edh itsandycapp 6/19/2011
Tariel EDH DrSATAN 6/19/2011
Animar EDH McGriff 6/19/2011
Vendilion EDH V3 Samurai666 6/19/2011
Mono Black Control watson285 6/18/2011
RUG hkim83 6/18/2011
Vish Edh Encker 6/18/2011
Numot, the Devastator Xingact 6/17/2011
Grand Arbitration firstandrepair 6/17/2011
Essence of Metal jp523 6/16/2011
Kraj Does Silly Things Chubbin 6/16/2011
EDH - Niv Mizzet B-Rad 6/16/2011
Gobgob haproon 6/15/2011
Savra EDH TrickyDisco 6/14/2011
Puresteel Bant serendibefreet 6/14/2011
Godo EDH Jonah_Hill92 6/14/2011
Mimeoplasm EDHv2 BitchTits 6/14/2011
Mimeoplasm EDH BitchTits 6/14/2011
Damia, Sage of Stone deckideas1 6/14/2011
Mimeoplasm Value BitchTits 6/14/2011
Glissa, the Traitor kittiefork222 6/14/2011
Zirilan's Pet Dragons Adavan1994 6/13/2011
Momir ETB bvals10 6/13/2011
Forgemaster MUD Ryan Walter 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Denver 9th-16th 6/13/2011
Doran hadheart 6/13/2011
Oros cmhhss1 6/13/2011
Kaalia Whicker3 6/13/2011
Mikey's Needed Cards 2 IWannaBTractor 6/12/2011
Damia Whicker3 6/12/2011
Merieke firstandrepair 6/12/2011
Savra FL3Xor 6/12/2011
Rofellos EDH aceofspades019 6/12/2011
Kresh, the Bloodbraided cmhhss1 6/11/2011

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