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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 501 - 550 of 5553 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Commander 2018 Saheeli Delpheki1323123 8/14/2018
Cats pewpewpew 8/13/2018
Norin EDH OmniSin 8/8/2018
Flicker Splicer Control PlainsScholar 8/4/2018
Sedris WIP dakotah cotton 8/3/2018
sedris edh dakotah cotton 8/2/2018
Trosani's GW Twinnedleaf5013 7/31/2018
Brudiclad Bruce Richard 7/31/2018
Actual Value of EXQUISITE INVENTION deck Chpow01 7/27/2018
Toshiro Slinger EDH OmniSin 7/27/2018
Elemental - updated Sordahan 7/27/2018
Kiki-Jiki BumbotheCleric 7/24/2018
Angels Istalkyourmama 7/14/2018
Kaalia Bloodsoulle 6/27/2018
Rakdos Kro-Bar 6/21/2018
Glissa, the Traitor Gilly 6/13/2018
Shattergang Brothers Darth_Hoosier 6/7/2018
Trostani Tokens MSSC2004 5/17/2018
Sams CUbe Glenbag 4/24/2018
Geth Commander Bonin 4/20/2018
GONTILICIOUS Emracool 4/18/2018
Brion <$20 Delpheki1323123 3/30/2018
Riku Shapeshifter PirateerAlam 3/5/2018
Rhys - Price check Alternatively, Bananas 2/16/2018
Stangg Edhh 2 makniffen 2/15/2018
Stangg Edhh makniffen 2/15/2018
Stangg makniffen 2/14/2018
Kurkesh never 2/11/2018
A New Hope Action_Johny 2/2/2018
Gonti EDH DJ Johnson 1/29/2018
Yahenni {EDH} SithDragon33 1/26/2018
Trostani {EDH} SithDragon33 1/25/2018
Fatt Fatt Damon 1/3/2018
You did this to yourself arkieboy72472 12/28/2017
Artifact Pillowfort xelab1090 12/28/2017
Glissa artifact synergy ManOMunkee 12/5/2017
Trostani Life Gain Tokens adamcordova 12/2/2017
Cube! Sean C 11/29/2017
From Russia with Love Kortai20 11/22/2017
dream tymaret edh TheGuyWhpDoes12 11/19/2017
Commander- Immortal Bloodlines Kenjutsu763 11/8/2017
Commander- Duel Tribal Challenge- Kermit the Horror Kenjutsu763 11/8/2017
Commander- Tribal Challenge- Berserkers Kenjutsu763 11/7/2017
Anything you can do Blue can do better Nolifeking666 11/6/2017
card list bigmanlouie 10/27/2017
Budget scarecrow Bearshark 10/6/2017
Dragons Burning Planeswalker 9/25/2017
price check reaper king hybrid theor 9/16/2017
Scorpion Demons dakotah cotton 9/3/2017
Gonti A1CDocHoliday 9/3/2017

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