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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 151 - 200 of 834 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Azorius Control WaToO MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 01/19/2020 1st 1/31/2020
Fancy Dreams Combo SBMTGDev 1/31/2020
baral counterspell Electriccrabz 1/27/2020
UW Thirst Evaros_TTV 1/27/2020
simic new flash logan thomas (LT8) 1/25/2020
Pioneer: UW Trawler FluffyWolf 1/25/2020
Azorius Control Evaros_TTV 1/20/2020
Lazav Multifarious EDH Tzvi 1/18/2020
Uro's Ramp Xx_INVICTUS_xX 1/18/2020
self made Bolas Dr.Jones 1/15/2020
Simic Flash Yavic 1/12/2020
Simic Flash Daniel Duan SCG Classic Standard - Columbus - 01/05/2020 9th-16th 1/7/2020
Simic Flash Noah Strasler SCG Classic Standard - Columbus - 01/05/2020 1st 1/7/2020
black blue red yococ 1/2/2020
Cheap Golos Fires Gates THEKEONIMTG 1/2/2020
Simic Budget FearLegion 12/26/2019
Iperflash SuperVisor 12/23/2019
Simic Flash Austin Kim MagicFest Portland 2019 17th-32nd 12/23/2019
Simic Flash Brian Weller-Gordon MagicFest Portland 2019 5th-8th 12/23/2019
Simic Flash Logan Nettles MagicFest Portland 2019 5th-8th 12/23/2019
Dimir SeaDiegoFC 12/21/2019
Budget Mystic Twister Combo SBMTGDev 12/20/2019
surveil ellata 12/18/2019
Simic Flash Julian John MagicFest Oklahoma City - 12/14/2019 5th-8th 12/16/2019
Simic Flash Edward Bontkowski MagicFest Oklahoma City - 12/14/2019 5th-8th 12/16/2019
merfolk edh steadylynx 12/9/2019
Simic Flash Seth Manfield Mythic Championship VII - 12/06/2019 5th-8th 12/9/2019
Simic Flash Javier Dominguez Mythic Championship VII - 12/06/2019 3rd-4th 12/9/2019
Simic Flash Brad Nelson Mythic Championship VII - 12/06/2019 2nd 12/9/2019
Simic Flash Chris Thompson MagicFest Brisbane 2019 2nd 12/9/2019
Jeskai Control (Pioneer) golgariassassin666 12/9/2019
Grixis Bolas Control Evaros_TTV 12/8/2019
Simic Flash Kaderik 12/8/2019
Izzet Flash Antonino De Rosa Mythic Championship VII - 12/06/2019 12/6/2019
Simic Flash Raymond Nevison Mythic Championship VII - 12/06/2019 12/5/2019
Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge ($38 deck!) Nitpicking Nerds 12/4/2019
Pioneer Jeskai Control (McWinSauce's list) Evaros_TTV 11/24/2019
Simic (Casual) banana zombie 11/20/2019
Simic Flash Seth Manfield 11/19/2019
Cube Scott Vance 11/19/2019
Sultai Field Control Evaros_TTV 11/15/2019
Azorius Control AzoriusRog MTGO Pioneer PTQ - 11/09/2019 9th-16th 11/13/2019
Budget ($100) Gadwick AmishWarlord08 11/12/2019
Simic Flash Robert Smith Mythic Championship Richmond - 11/08/2019 11/11/2019
Mono Blue But Just The Fun Cards SBMTGDev 11/11/2019
UW Control arcto 11/10/2019
U/W token attempt That Dude Over There 11/9/2019
Faerie Tails Yutsud 11/8/2019
Kaya Control osublazer 11/7/2019

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