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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 201 - 250 of 706 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Yuriko EDH MacATK 2/21/2020
Singleton Showdown - Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths CMDRNinetyNine 2/3/2020
Singleton Showdown - Phenax, God of Deception CMDRNinetyNine 1/27/2020
Yarok Budget Buy List He Went To Jared 1/27/2020
Damia POD frankthedank 1/25/2020
Yuriko Timewalk Tribal jaxildan 1/17/2020
Eliot's Yuriko Deck The Spike Feeders 1/9/2020
Merieke Ri Berit CaracarnVi 1/4/2020
The Scarab 2 Medon 1/2/2020
Blue & Black Devoid Eldrazi VoidmageGamer 12/23/2019
Not So Eternal Sleep V.5.0 Requiem Angel 11/25/2019
Ninja's grimgrin9 11/19/2019
Oona, Queen Of the Fae AlurenRecycle 11/10/2019
Not So Eternal Sleep V.4.0 Requiem Angel 10/22/2019
Not So Eternal Sleep V.3.0 Requiem Angel 10/21/2019
Not So Eternal Sleep V.2.0 Requiem Angel 10/21/2019
Not So Eternal Sleep Requiem Angel 10/18/2019
Zambambo EDH RinTinBrim 9/23/2019
Muldrotha, the Gravetide ShampooMaster 9/14/2019
ORDER jaystone11 8/28/2019
zombie!!!! carlos lecaros 8/22/2019
Kadena, Slinking Morphs JumboCommander 8/14/2019
Oona Scarlett1990 8/12/2019
Lazav Voltron VorthosCommander 8/11/2019
Yarok ETB this is awkward 8/9/2019
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Updated July 19 Deck Tech BudgetCommander 7/29/2019
Yarok ETB Budget He Went To Jared 7/26/2019
Yarok, the D. (The D stands for Doubler.) Trexxen 7/21/2019
Zur the Enchanter whodatcollins 6/21/2019
Lazav Budget Golem 6/14/2019
Lazav Golem 6/14/2019
Yennet, Cryptic Sovereign Proxy Deck For A Friend RealAlphaflame 6/4/2019
Wizzity Wizards josh147 6/2/2019
Etrata EDH Langford Hobbies 5/16/2019
Ninja Tribal Sqwillos 5/11/2019
Sidisi {EDH} abrupt 5/5/2019
Sidisi pricey SolidGoldNinja 3/28/2019
Yuriko Budget Commander $100 deck tech BudgetCommander 3/2/2019
Lazav prysm 2/15/2019
Dare. But don’t draw. Atoeofacamel 2/8/2019
Kess EDH Nico85 1/28/2019
Lovecraft Jerbear 1/14/2019
tasssyy moastra 1/14/2019
Scarab EDH ufui 1/6/2019
Vela The Night-Clad jabin 1/4/2019
Zur Astral Slide budge first JaceTBU1203 12/26/2018
The Walking Dead Panzerfire 12/14/2018
Yuriko the Tiger's Shadow Ninja Tribal / Control TapNTurn 12/13/2018
Gisa and Geralf {EDH} tlur 12/12/2018
Lazav (Tolarian Community College) Jarvis 11/30/2018

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